Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase AstroFlick?

AstroFlick is available by searching the Google Play Store for AstroFlick.

We will also be bring AstroFlick to the Apple App store shortly.

How much does AstroFlick cost?

AstroFlick costs 69p but there is a lite version of the app available.

What does 'lite version' mean?

A lite version is a smaller free demo version of the app, so you can decide whether you like it before purchasing the full version.

How can I play AstroFlick?

AstroFlick can be played on any Android device in the supported countries. Once downloaded from the store, open the app you will see a red 'How to' planet, if you tap on that it will tell you how the game is played.

I finished all of the levels, will there be anymore?

Here at TADS we love our customers. As well as working on some new great projects we believe our current ones shouldn't be neglected. The short answer, yes.

How can I play the levels I have already completed?

If you have the full version tap on the blue 'Level Select' planet and you will see a list of all the levels you have completed for you to enjoy over and over again.

Why does the app want to update?

Our updates will usually be for two different things. A bug fix is when something which isn't quite perfect gets through our testing and we need to change it when you have already downloaded the app. The other reason is that we have added more content to the app, something like more levels or different features.

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